Elmore Assisted Living

Group Of Seniors Enjoying Fitness Class In Retirement Home

Indoor Fitness Ideas for Seniors

Working out is hard enough as is, but working out when the weather is bad or you are having trouble leaving the house is an even bigger challenge. There are so many factors that contribute to possibly dangerous situations such as the snow, icy sidewalks & bad road conditions. While it is a good idea to work out for your mental and physical health, going to the gym might not …

Stress relief in retirement

3 Valuable Tips for Adjusting to Retirement in 2024: How to Relax During Retirement

Think you’re ready for a stress-free retirement? While many older adults are looking forward to retirement, it isn’t exactly a walk in the park. This is a major lifestyle change from going to work every day to having a fairly light schedule. Aside from having enough money saved to stretch your funds through your golden years, it’s important to consider the many other things that can cause stress. Some of …

occupational therapy

The Role of Occupational Therapy in Senior Living (2024 Update)

Occupational therapy in senior living is a growing necessity that is becoming a standard in the industry. Not only is it an important community resource for older adults, but it is a way of promoting health and independence for older adults.  They also serve a multitude of other purposes, such as meal and nutrition sites, screening clinics, recreational and fitness centers, volunteer coordinating clinics, occupational therapy. Occupational therapy is a more …

Addiction in the elderly

Addiction in the Elderly Population

Drug and alcohol abuse among the elderly is a rapidly growing health problem in the United States. Addiction among people 65 and up is often underestimated and under-diagnosed, which can prevent them from getting the help they need. According to the Office of Alcoholism and Substance Abuse Services, substance abuse among senior citizens can be classified into two general forms: the “hardy survivor,” or those who have been abusing substances …